The bees of Pic Saint Loup

Apiculteur - Domaine de Villeneuve - 4


You like honey? Come and meet the producers on their land, visit the hives, the honey house and learn how to taste it. In Claret or Assas, the hives benefit from favorable climatic conditions in winter and a rich spring bloom. Many varieties of honey, pollen and propolis are produced and allow the elaboration of royal jelly, gingerbread, candies or even vinegar.

Short story....

The term "honey", which appeared in the language in the 10th century, comes from the Latin mel. The bee appeared on Earth about 80 million years ago. Our ancestors already harvested honey from tree trunks, in small pits in the ground or under the rock in prehistoric times.

During Antiquity and the Middle Ages, wild honey was also consumed. It was used as a confectionery and as a medicine. Indeed, paintings prove that it was also consumed at that time.

It was not until the invention of the microscope in the 17th century that we became interested in this natural phenomenon. Man ended up mastering its production from the 19th century with the domestication of bees.

Did you know ?

Honey is generally considered an imperishable product. It is so concentrated in sugar that no germ can develop in it. Moreover, if it is protected from humidity, its main enemy, honey will keep without problem for several years, even several centuries.

Apiculteur - Domaine de Villeneuve - 3
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