Catalogue Oenotourisme 2023 - Vignobles et Découvertes - OT Grand Pic Saint-Loup

Would you like to discover the wines and winemakers of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup ?

We've put together a selection of not-to-be-missed experiences to make it easier for you to meet them. The wineries of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup produce quality wines, but not only...

They also invite you to enjoy truly personalised experiences based on the discovery of their wines and expertise.  Not sure which estate to visit ?

En équilibre 02

Don't panic, our catalogue of epicurean experiences offers a range of visits, each more exciting than the last. We also offer tailor-made activities around the vineyards, thanks to our leisure service providers, guides and incoming agencies. And to ensure that your epicurean pleasures don't stop there, the restaurants and accommodation with the Vignobles & Découvertes sublimate this rich terroir in their own way, on the plate or on the terrace of their gîtes.

Discover the catalogue of epicurean offers in the Grand Pic Saint-Loup.

With family or friends... for gourmets, explorers of flavours and the unusual...

Our guides, leisure service providers and incoming agencies know the Grand Pic Saint-Loup and its unmissable spots like the back of their hands! Whether you're with friends, family or as a couple, they'll take you for an evening, a day or a WK around the Pic Saint-Loup and its la vallée de la Buèges, to discover our characteristic landscapes and the most beautiful viewpoints.

Oeunotourisme et VTT

On an electric mountain bike, on horseback, on an e-trottle, on foot... it's up to you to choose the adventure that's right for your eyes... and your taste buds !

Discover the Grand Pic Saint-Loup in a different way.

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