The Truffle or Tuber melanosporum...


The truffle... Black diamond

The truffle is as noble as a simple omelette and its cultivation remains an enigma for many. The Tuber melanosporum, the scientific name given to the truffle, has found on the territory a favorable place for its development. A fragile culture and subject to the whims of time whose harvest happily decorates mashed potatoes, fresh pasta or foie gras.

Short story....

To develop, it needs a truffle tree (oak, hazel), limestone soil and a climate with a Mediterranean tendency. These three assets are brought together in the Territory of Pic Saint-Loup to offer you a product of incomparable quality and flavor.

The Tuber Melanosporum, this black diamond of French cuisine, has continued to fuel all sorts of myths and legends since its discovery in ancient Egypt. How to explain this particular craze for the "black potato"? Work of the devil or simply an exceptional mushroom?

The origin of the truffle is difficult to date and locate, which certainly contributes to the mystery that inhabits it. Some claim that it was first discovered in ancient Egypt (2600 AD), others locate it in Rome or ancient Greece... the mystery remains.

Did you know ?

The propagation of the truffle is quite surprising and requires a complete ecosystem. In order to reproduce, the truffle needs to be eaten. This contradiction is due to the "spores", which can be considered as the pollen of the truffle, they are released into nature only when the fungus is dug up and eaten by an animal. This is one of the reasons why Tuber Melanosporum is a very rare delicacy.

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