
  • Picnic tables, self-service barbecues and shaded parking at Méjanel, at the Source de la Buèges. The proximity of the river does not allow swimming (protected site).
Aire de pique-nique

For a successful picnic, find the tables available everywhere on our territory !


  • See you at the Domaine de Roussières !

Saint Martin de Londres

  • Intergenerational" park near the fire station with drinking water and children's playground/skate park.
  • Green area in front of the primary school and in front of the old stadium (chemin de la pairie).


  • Picnic possible at the Pic Saint-Loup car park.
  • Picnic table under a large oak tree on the edge of the D113 between the Viols roundabout and the village of Cazevieille.


  • Shaded table at the southern entrance to Combaillaux, at a place called Nounel


  • La Terre Rouge" and "Les Jonquières" spaces


  • Church car park, at the priory


  • Picnic table in the castle park, near the cemetery.
  • Picnic tables at the children's playground, next to the pharmacy car park.


  • Shaded table at the 12th century Roman bridge


  • Lieu-dit les Baronnes


  • Picnic tables at the children's playground in Rue du Claud de la Dame
  • Second picnic area near the old sheepfold, at the end of Rue du Boucarlou.


  • Parc de l'Aqueduc, Avenue de la Clastre.
  • Pic Natura Park, Domaine de Saint Sauveur.